Astromist 2.4 Palm Installation instruction: 1) PRE-REQUISITES A palm color device with at least 256 colors. Palm OS compatible device with Palm OS 4.1 or Greater. OS 5.x is recommend. 2.5BM of free RAM on the Palm and 700MB available on a high speed memory card (9MB/S read rate) for the full version, 160x160 up to 320x480 screen resolution (portrait or landscape) supported, Best devices: Treo680 and 650, Palm Tx, T5, LifeDrive. 2)INSTALLATION OF THE FREE PACKAGE You can uses WinZip on Windows, Stuffit on Mac OSX or unzip on Linux to extract the files in place ("Extract to Here" winzip option with a right click on the file). Once done you should have the following directory tree inside your upload folder: Astromist |__ data |__ the contain all the astromist catalogs to be hotsync in memory |__ astromist_24x_free.prc Now : Hotsync the astromist_24x_free.prc file using PalmDesktop Hotsync the mathlib.prc file using PalmDesktop Only if you have a T3, hotsync the files provided Then : copy all Astromist directory on your memory card (at the root) or inside you PDA in case of a LifeDrive. BEWARE: do not use Palm Desktop copy function (it will not work) but instead use a simple Drag&Drop between your computer and your memory card. Or hotsync all the databases from data folder into your palm device.