Requirements -
Instructions -
Bricks -
Powerups -
Monsters -
Controls -
Main menu -
Requirements :
This game can only be used on Palm OS devices able to display a resolution of 320x320 16 bpp ( 65K colors ) and having at least 600 Kb of free storage space on the device.
Instructions :
The goal in playing Kickoo's Breakout is very simple, destroy all the bricks on the screen in order to be able to go to the next level : the demo version only has 2 levels while the registered version has 36.
To get through all 36 levels you need to prevent the ball from falling off the bottom part of the screen, by using the paddle which you move so that the ball bounces off of it in the direction of the bricks.
There are different kinds of bricks in Kickoo's Breakout and some of them, once destroyed, can release a powerup.
On most levels, there are monsters which will make playing the game difficult.
Playing the game:
If you leave the program with an unfinished game, the program automatically saves the game where you left off so that you can resume play the next time you enter the program.
When you destroy all the bricks of a level, the side gates at the bottom corners of the screen will open: you then simply move the paddle through one of the doors to exit the level.
Each time you start a new game, you will have 3 continues: when you lose all your lives in a game, if there are continues remaining, you will be able to continue the game at the point it was when you lost your last life.
You can try to improve your own high score but you can also compare it with the ones obtained by other players throughout the world, thanks to the "Internet High Score Code".
You will find below the documentation of the game, allowing you to benefit fully from the experience of playing Kickoo's Breakout and its possibilities.
Don't forget to visit often Kickoo's website in order to be informed of the latest news about our games, reading or writing messages in the dedicated forums, or simply to know what is the current state of the best high scores by Kickoo's Breakout players from around the world !
Bricks :
There are several kinds of bricks :

- colored bricks, which are destroyed after being touched by the ball.

- grey brick, which needs to be touched twice to be destroyed.

- black brick, which can't be destroyed with the "normal" ball.
It is not necessary to destroy black bricks to be able to finish a level.
In some levels, you will also find special bricks :

- dynamite brick : when a ball hit this brick, there is an explosion and all the bricks around are destroyed, even the black ones.

- multiball brick : when a ball hit this brick, an additional ball will appear.
This brick can't be destroyed with a normal ball, so it is not necessary to destroy it to finish a level.

- recompose brick : when a ball hit this brick, all the bricks around which was destroyed are regenerated.
This brick can't be destroyed with a normal ball, so it is not necessary to destroy it to finish a level.

- warp brick : when a ball hit this brick, it is randomly teleported to another warp brick.
This brick can't be destroyed with a normal ball, so it is not necessary to destroy it to finish a level.
Powerups :
When you destroy a colored brick, it can release a powerup that you can catch with the paddle, before it goes off the bottom of the screen.
These powerups can be good or bad, depending on the powerup and the situation :

- slow ball powerup: makes the ball go slower.

- fast ball powerup: makes the ball go faster.

- 500 points powerup: when you catch it, your score is increased by 500 points, in addition to the 100 points granted when any powerup is caught.

- big paddle powerup: when this powerup is caught, your paddle becomes larger.
This powerup has a limited duration and cancels the effects of the fireball.

- small paddle powerup: when this powerup is caught, your paddle becomes smaller.
This powerup has a limited duration and cancels the effects of the fireball.

- magnetic paddle powerup: when this powerup is caught, your paddle gets magnetized, meaning that the next time the ball hits the paddle, it will remain stuck to it, until you press the release button or after a timeout of 5 seconds (there are 5 green LED lights on the right side of the screen, one of these five lights will go off every five seconds when a timed powerup has been obtained).
This option allows you to aim the ball more easily at the bricks you want to destroy.
This powerup has a limited duration and cancels the effects of the fireball.

- gun paddle powerup: when this powerup is caught, your paddle becomes a machine-gun, which means that it will shoot bullets each time you press the fire button: if the paddle size is small, there will be only 1 bullet, 2 for normal size and 3 on the big paddle.
These bullets can destroy the colored bricks and the monsters, but note that you will obtain less points for a target being destroyed by a bullet than for one destroyed with the ball.
This powerup has a limited duration and cancels the effects of the fireball.

- surprise powerup: when this powerup is caught, the program chooses randomly one of the previous powerups (slow ball, fast ball, 500 points, big paddle, small paddle, magnetic paddle, gun paddle).

- multiball powerup : when this powerup is caught, your ball becomes 3 balls (you can have up to 3 balls on the screen at a time, the ball which splits into 3 is the one highest on the screen when the multiball powerup is caught).

- fireball powerup: when this powerup is caught, your ball becomes a fireball: this is a very powerful ball and is capable of destroying many more bricks than the normal one ball can.
It can destroy black bricks and also special bricks, and when it hit a colored brick, it also destroys the bricks on the left and right of the brink the fireball touched.
This power up has a very limited time duration, so make good use of it !

- sudden death powerup: if your paddle hit this powerup while it is falling, then you will loose one life !

- extra life powerup: when this powerup is caught, you will have gained an additional life.
The number of remaining lives is displayed on the left side of the screen, with orange LED lights (5 LED lights can be displayed at one time, but the program handles up to 9 lives).

- reverse paddle powerup : when this powerup is caught, the movements of the paddle are reversed: if you move left, the paddle will go right, and vice-versa !
This powerup has a limited time duration and it's effect is canceled if you catch any powerup which effects the paddle.

- end of level powerup: when this powerup is caught, the side gates at the bottom corners of the screen will open, as if you destroyed all the bricks.
This will allow you to exit the level (by moving the paddle through a door) if you want to.
This decision can be made depending on your strategy: you may prefer to stay in the current level to score as much points as possible, or you can choose to exit immediately to increase your chances of going go as far as possible with the game.
If you die while the doors are open with this powerup, they will be closed when you reappear.
Each time you get one powerup, your score is increased by 100 points.
This may cause you to catch a powerup even if it is a bad one (in this case your objective would be to get the highest possible score).
A picture of the powerup you just caught is displayed in the top center area of the screen for one second, which is cool if you don't remember which powerup it was, but even more useful with the surprise powerup.
Some of the powerups have a timed duration, like the small paddle, big paddle, magnetic paddle, gun paddle, reversed paddle and the fireball.
When you catch one of these powerups, you will see in the top center area of the screen a picture which will begin as green with a slow flickering and become red with a fast flickering as the time runs out.
When the flickering ends, the powerup effect will be canceled and you will have a normal paddle if it was a paddle related powerup.
The fireball effect is also canceled at the end of its timeout or when you catch a paddle related powerup.
Some of the powerups are cumulative, for example the big paddle powerup and the magnetic paddle powerup can be an interesting combination.
Or when you see that you are near to the end of the timed duration of a powerup, you may choose to take a powerup which is considered bad: for example you have a machine gun paddle and you know that it will end in a few seconds but you see that there is a small paddle powerup falling, you then have two choices, you can either let the machine gun paddle powerup terminate by itself, making your paddle normal, or you can try to catch the small paddle powerup and you will then have a small machine gun, but with the timeout starting at the beginning !
As you can see, you will often have to make some decisions, depending on your strategy and goal; playing as many levels as possible or trying to beat your own high score.
Monsters :
On most levels, you will see some monsters.
The purpose of the monsters is to disrupt your game : when the ball hits one monster, its trajectory is modified, which can cause you miss the ball and lose a life.
Here are just a few of the monsters you might encounter :

You will also sometimes find acid monsters : when they are on a brick of the same color than them, they destroy it.

If there are no more bricks under them, then they will fall: Avoid them or they will kill you!
Controls :
In the main page :
When you are in the main page, you can change your selection with the up and down buttons and validate your choice with any of the 4 others hardware buttons.
You can also use your jogdial, to change your selection and validate your choice, or you can use your stylus, by just taping on the choice you want to select.
In the game :
When you are in the game, the up and down buttons ( or jogdial ) will pause the game.
You can only move the paddle with the stylus : you just need to keep it down in the graffiti area and move it left or right.
We did not allow to move the paddle with the jogdial or the hardware buttons because to enjoy this game, you need to have a very precise control of the paddle, which is only possible with the stylus.
But you can release a magnetized ball or fire some bullets with any of the hardware buttons or by pressing the jogdial.
To shoot with the pen or to release a magnetized ball, just release the stylus from the graffiti area and put it down again.
The touch screen of the Palm is very sensitive, you don't need to press hard with the stylus: use it gently to avoid striping the surface of the screen accidentally.
The way the ball bounces depends on where it touched the paddle and is explained in the following picture: as you can see, there are a lot of possible trajectories, which allows you very fine control of where you want the ball to go.

Main menu :
The following picture shows the main menu :

You can change your selection with the up and down buttons and validate your choice with any of the 4 others hardware buttons.
You can also use your jogdial, to change your selection and validate your choice, or you can use your stylus, by just taping on the choice you want to select.
The various choices are :
- new game : select this choice if you want to start a new game.
- options : select this choice if you want to change the sound option.
- registration : select this choice to go to the screen allowing you to register the game.
Registration :
The following picture shows the registration screen :

When the game is not registered, you can try it in demo mode, which contains only 2 levels.
To register the game and play all 36 levels and to encourage the authors to make other awesome games for the Palm OS, you can purchase Kickoo's Breakout online at our exclusive publisher's site : 
Don't forget when filling the purchase form, to put on it ( in the Reg Code field ) the Identification Code displayed by the program.
This will allow us to automatically send you by email the corresponding Registration Code when we'll receive confirmation of your purchase.
If you forgot to specify your Identification Code when filling the purchase form, don't worry, you can still get your Registration Code automatically, by using our online Registration page.
Once you know your Registration Code, enter it in the game in the registration screen ( picture above ).
This process must be done only once : you will never have to enter it again and you will finally be able to discover the 36 available levels and other surprises contained in the game.
We wish you lots of fun playing Kickoo's Breakout !
Requirements -
Instructions -
Bricks -
Powerups -
Monsters -
Controls -
Main menu -