CITYTIME AUTO DST The following is information about the automatic Daylight Savings Time implementation in CityTime ____General - The changeover time for switching into and out of DST is calculated in local time for each city. On the days when a city either moves into or out of DST, the time will change at 2:00am in the cities non DST time. When switching into DST, at 2:00am the time will change to 3:00am. When switching out of DST, at 2:00am the time will change to 1:00am. - The default button in the Edit Cities area allows you to restore a city's Automatic DST and other settings for pre installed cities. ____Specific Country Information - New Zealand. New Zealand goes out of DST on the first Sunday in March on or after the 15th. This also happens to be the third Sunday in March for at least the next ten years, probably forever. - Brazil. As for New Zealand, the first Sunday in February on/after the 15th is also the third Sunday for at least the next ten years, probably forever. - Israel. The start and end of DST is set politically in Israel so that it fits in with religious events. The automatic dates set as they were for 2000. - Three or four (mostly Middle Eastern) countries go into and out of DST on specific days of the month. This is not supported in the current version of CityTime and the changeover days have been set so they will always be within a couple of days of this by default. Further information about setting and using the automatic DST features is available from the help areas within the program.